Health Justice MD Services


A 60-minute signature talk, keynote address, or participation on an event panel in person or virtual is available. As the author of Undue Burden, I bring a unique perspective to my speaking engagements. I am able to articulate complex concepts and shed light on important issues related to reproductive justice with clarity and nuance. Whether it's a keynote address or a panel discussion, I am committed to engaging my audience and fostering meaningful dialogue. My passion for social justice and my expertise as a physician and writer make me a dynamic and compelling speaker.

Signature Talks

Health, Rights, and Justice: Frameworks to Address Reproductive Oppression

Reproductive Oppression refers to the regulation and exploitation of individuals’ bodies, sexuality, labor, and procreative capacities as a strategy to control individuals and entire communities. Participants of this talk will have a basic understanding of three frameworks to address reproductive oppression.

How Reproductive Justice Touches Everything That We Care About

The Reproductive Justice framework analyzes how determining our reproductive destinies are linked directly to the conditions of our community. Participants of this talk will have a basic understanding of how the Reproductive Justice Framework demands that our government fulfill its obligation to provide the conditions for our choices to be safe, affordable, and accessible and how an intersectional approach affects change.

Unapologetically Pro-Abortion

Roe gave the very minimal right to abortion care, but it did not actually provide meaningful access to abortion for everyone who needed it. Participants of this talk will understand the problematic rhetoric of “pro-choice” and are encouraged to be confidently pro-abortion.

Sex, Birth Control, and Reproductive Justice

We are taught isolated events in history and not how movements occur in parallel to one another. Participants of this talk will have a basic understanding of how Black women and their participation in the birth control movement reflects the convergence of a dark history of sexual and reproductive abuse.

Post Roe Impact on Maternal Health

Access to abortion care has far reaching impacts on individuals, families, and communities. Participants of this talk will have a basic understanding of how abortion access affects maternal health, families, and the broader community.

Keep in Touch

Let's Fight for Reproductive Justice Together

Are you ready to join the fight for reproductive justice and ensure that everyone has access to the healthcare services they need? Fill out the form below to get in touch with me and learn more about how you can get involved. Thank you for your interest in Health Justice MD. I look forward to connecting with you soon and working together to create a world where everyone has access to the reproductive healthcare services they need.